I remember it like it was yesterday, I was sitting there wondering what made me want to hire this person..This person I was about to hire, had less qualifications than the rest, but there was something about them. I realized, there was something they did to standout so much.. and in fact I was able to put my finger on it. If they were equally qualified, it would have been a no brainer! I felt uneasy about hiring someone with less qualifications, but I had to have this person on my team. This is not your typical interview book. You know the books I am talking about. The books with countless tips like, "be 15 minutes early", "smile", blah, blah, blah. I know you could figure those things out on your own! This book will teach you how to extract the job offer! How to inspire the boss into action instead of "having a few more interviews to do." The ability to move them into job offer mode is the key element we'll be discussing. The good news is, It's easier than you think, but most people don't know these simple principles. The new process you'll learn will separate yourself from your competition, guaranteed. I have interviewed hundreds of people, from maintenance men, to district managers. And while doing so, I started to notice the difference maker over and over! The people hired were all their own person,with their individual personalities, but they all did something different than the rest. They all did this without exception and it was so obvious looking back. How could so many not recognize these principles?! Well, I am here to share them with you because I was the one doing the hiring, the one who was in the trenches doing the dirty work. I'll be able to point out the real reasons equally qualified individuals are complete opposites during the interview. The reasons less qualified applicants, sometimes get hired over the more qualified individuals! I would like you to think about the last 9.99 you spent, did it improve your ability to land the job you want? Assume you buy this book, what's the worse case? Now, on the other hand, imagine the best possible outcome? The reward could be life changing, while the risk minimal. You could get the job that completely changes the course of you life or you could lose 9.99. I'll assure you of one thing, we all have spent 9.99 on worse things. See you on the inside!