The title of this book is indicative of the theme of this book which seeks to rouse the shy and cautious individual to greater realization of his powers.Dr. Orison Swett Marden was the world's greatest inspirational writer, who has helped thousands of discouraged men and women to brilliant success.What Great Men Say About Dr. Marden’s Teachings:Theodore Roosevelt said: “I am so deeply touched and pleased by your editorial in ‘Success' that I must write and tell you so."CHARLES M. SCHWAB says: “Dr. Marden's writings have had much to do with my success."John WANAMAKER says: “I would, if it had been necessary, have been willing to have gone without at least one meal a day to buy one of the Marden books."Lord Northcliffe says: “I believe Dr. Marden’s writings will be of immense assistance to all men."Judge BEN B. LINDSEY says: “Dr. Marden is one of the wonders of our time. I personally feel under a debt of obligation to him for his marvelous inspiration and help."When such men as these, and a host of others too numerous to mention, have felt so strongly the debt of gratitude they owe this man that they have not hesitated to acknowledge it in writing, surely you also can be helped to develop your latent powers, to fill a larger place in the world, to make a new turn of your life.In "Self-discovery" Marden writes: "Human beings are like the great American desert before water was applied to it; full of magnificent possibilities sleeping in its soil; capable of producing a bountiful harvest and untold wealth; but absolutely useless and valueless without water. The one thing needed to develop the locked-up wealth of the desert is water." Contents1.WHY REMAIN A Dwarf 2.THE GREATEST HUMAN PROBLEM .3.AN AMBITION-Arousing Environment 4.THE SHOCK THAT Arouses 5.THE MIRACLE of Self-Confidence6.You MUST THINK WELL of Yourself 7.CALL OUT THE BIGGER MAN IN You 8.THE HIDDEN Power’s WITHIN .9.SEEING Ourselves As Others SEE Us.10.THE HIDDEN MASTERPIECE 11.THE SLEEPING GIANT within You 12.THE Power of THE Awakened GIANT 13.TRAINING For MASTERSHIP